Leading With Pride


The Utah Lions of Judah support, sustain, and build Jewish life — across the street and around the world. We are strong women of all ages, an international sisterhood of thousands of global activists who care deeply about the Jewish future. Lions play a vital role in creating social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity, and building Jewish identity.

Utah Lion of Judah News

  • I feel it is so true… to whom much has been given, much is expected. I just have always felt it was a gift to be able to choose to give away my time and treasure. My mother and father were always...

Become A Utah Lion

The Lion of Judah Society is an international symbol of a woman’s commitment to the global Jewish community. By making an annual donation of $5,000 or more to Utah’s Annual Federation Campaign, each Utah Lion establishes herself as a leader in our community. Utah Lions also have opportunities throughout the year to meet together, connect with one another, and learn more about the impact of our giving.

For More Information Contact >

Wear Your Commitment to Jewish Life

When you become a Lion of Judah, you can proudly wear a Lion pin, which represents the strength, honor, and dedication of the Tribe of Judah, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Each year that a woman sustains or increases her minimum $5,000 gift to Utah’s Annual Federation Campaign, she is eligible to have a small diamond set into the pin. As her contribution grows, additional precious gems may be placed as an inset in the lion’s eye.

Connect to Jewish life in Utah through one of our upcoming events. Join us as we strengthen our community and create memorable Jewish experiences together.

  • Join BeeCHAIs on the second Tuesday of every month for an exciting and vibrant get together! Whet...

  • Information coming soon.

    Contact Maya Skurnik with questions:

Everyone is Welcome

Whether you’ve recently moved to Utah or are just now deciding to get involved in the Jewish community, we’d love to welcome you! Enjoy your complimentary welcome gift and check out all the ways to get involved with the Utah Jewish community.