Many thanks to the over 200 friends and supporters of the Federation who joined us for our 2023 Summer Party and contributed needed funds to our Annual Campaign and Community Security Initiative.
We were honored to be joined by Michael Masters, CEO of the Secure Community Network (SCN), as our Summer Party keynote speaker. He told a harrowing story of his wife and children attending the Highland Park July 4th parade in 2022. His family was there celebrating the holiday when shooting rang out. His daughter grabbed her younger sibling and took off running with their mother.
When he asked her, "How did you know what to do, honey?"
She replied, "I did what you taught me to do."
Through our Community Security Initiative, we hope everyone in our community will learn how to respond in a crisis situation. SCN is the backbone of a strong strategic approach to security in Jewish communities nationwide.
The Federation is partnering with SCN as we hire our community's first Security Director. To support our new Community Initiative, visit the link below.
As National Director and CEO of SCN, Michael is responsible for the overall leadership, operation, and growth of the official safety and security organization for the Jewish community in North America.