
10 2015

Baby and Me at Temple Har Shalom

3:30PM - 4:30PM  

Temple Har Shalom
You don't have to be Jewish to come! 3700 N. Brookside Court
just off SR 224
Park City, UT 84060
435-649-2276 EXt 17

Contact Susannah Barnes
435-649-2276 EXT 17

Starting November 10th
All are welcome to learn fun Jewish songs, prayers,
and bake toy challah-what’s not to love?

Bring your babes (approx 0-3 years) to Temple Har Shalom
Upstairs in the new “Kid Zone” at the top of the stairs when you walk into the synagogue!

Rsvp to Susannah Barnes or call with any questions-435-649-2276 Ext 17