
1 2015

Girls Night Out

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Drora Oren United Jewish Federation of Utah
2 North Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Contact Drora Oren

Please join us for the United Jewish Federation of Utah’s “Girls’ Night Out” on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, at 7:00 pm

Where: The home of Laura Maisto
Food: Please bring a dish to share, and let us know what kind of Heavy hors d'oeuvres or dessert you would like to bring
RSVP: Drora 801-581-0102
Guest Presenter: Lauren Barros

Topic: Learning about the Implications of Family Law on Nontraditional Families.

Bio: Lauren owns LRBFamilyLaw, a full-service family law office, specializing in complicated family law matters, including divorce, assisted reproduction, adoption, and LGBT family law issues. Prior to opening LRBFamilyLaw in 2002, Lauren was an attorney with Cohne, Rappaport and Segal, the Disability Law Center, the Anti-Discrimination Division of the Utah Labor Commission, and Utah Legal Services. Lauren has taught classes at the University of Utah on Comparative and International Human Rights Law and Women and the Law. Originally from Dover, Delaware, Lauren attended Colorado College and the University Of Utah College Of Law, where she graduated in 1993 as a William H. Leary Scholar. In 2009, Lauren helped create Rainbow Law, the first pro bono LGBT Law Clinic in Utah. Her caring and willingness to help all types of families shows through in her work.

Please RSVP and join us for a free and interesting evening. We are happy to help arrange car pools from Park City.
Friends are welcome!
Diane Hartz Warsoff, Chair, Girls’ Night Out
United Jewish Federation of Utah