
26 2017

Lecture by - Itzhak Brook - om Kippur War Vetern

7:30PM - 8:30PM  

I.J.& Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center 2 North Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
801-581-0098 ccantor@slcjcc.org

Contact Carla Cantor
801-581-0098 ext. 118

Itzhak Brook will speak on the historical background of the Yom Kippur War and its effects on the Israeli society, as well as his own personal experiences and challenges as a battalion physician in the Sinai. He plans to speak on the physical and psychological traumas the soldiers had to cope with, the effect of religion on them, the cost of war in human life and suffering, and the daily struggle for survival in the difficult war which threatened Israel’s existence.

Sponsor: I.J.& Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center