
4 2024

Sunday Schmooze with Alana Blumenthal at Kol Ami

9:30AM - 11:00AM  

Congregation Kol Ami 2425 E Heritage Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
801-484-1501 info@conkolami.org

Contact Galit Livne

Many of us have objects of deep personal and religious significance in our homes, items such as a Tallit, candlesticks and Chanukiot, Havdalah sets, seder plates, and of course photographs. Maybe they are on display in a china cabinet, stashed in an attic, or are something you use every Shabbat. Whether handed down over generations, or the start of a new tradition, these items are treasures that we hope to preserve.

Alana Blumenthal, Director of the Brigham City Museum and Collections Care Specialist, will share some simple and inexpensive techniques that you can use at home. She will also share a bit of the halachic and historic reasons why we use these items. Participants are encouraged to come with questions about the unique Judaica in their households.

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RSVP at conkolami.org/sunday-schmooze
While there is no cost for this event, donations are greatly appreciated.