On Sunday, August 26th, our THS community will once again participate in the tradition of Tikkun Olam by contributing our time and effort to some of the many not-for-profit agencies in Park City and Salt Lake City. Repairing the world through acts of kindness is a concept central to our Jewish heritage.
We hope that you will sign up to participate on a specific project or to be assigned as needed to a project on that day.
We will meet up at THS at 8:30 am for a Breakfast nosh
Our projects this year will benefit:
Swaner Eco Center
Children's Justice Center
Nuzzles & Co. (Nuzzles will have a project at their ranch property. No one under 18 years old can work with the dogs, but ages 7 and up are welcome to participate in other ways.)
Image Reborn project
Utah Food Bank (This project will take place in SLC at Jewish Family Service)
THS Grounds Beautification Led by Tommy Tanzer at THS
American Red Cross (The Red Cross bus will be in the THS parking lot for those who would like to donate blood.)
Peace House (This is our teen project grades 7-10 taking place in Park City's City Park.)For more information about this project please contact Michael Greenfield at michael@templeharshalom.com
Sign up at THS in the Lobby or email Deb Sheldon at deb@harshalomparkcity.org
See you on the 26th!!!
Casey Lebwohl
Mitzvah Day Chair