Annual Family Hanukkah Party
Hosted by the Rafi Schwartz Religious School & Congregation Kol Ami
A Celebration for all ages, open to the whole community!
Bring your grandchildren, grandparents, family & friends!
Program includes Homemade Latke Dinner,
Menorah Lighting w/Rabbi Ilana,
Hanukkah Sing-Along,
Live Klezmer music by the Klezbros,
Israeli Dancing, Dreidel Disco,
Games & Prizes!
Dinner menu: Latkes fresh from the oven made by "Bill the Latke Man" with Lentil Soup, Pasta & Salad
Dessert: Sufganiot make your own candy dreidel bar
Everyone is also invited to come a little early if you would like to join us for our school Hanukkah Assembly from 5:30-6:00pm in the Main Sanctuary. The assembly will feature the Drama Elective student performance of "Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins" and a brief Presentation on Solar Panels & Sustainability in honor of the "Festival of (Renewable) Lights". Following assembly at 6pm we will go into the Social Hall for the party and dinner!
Price: $8/individual, $25/family (everything is included)
(complimentary tickets available upon request if paying is a hardship)
Please RSVP in advance so we know how much to cook!
Sponsor: Rafi Schwartz Religious School, Congregation Kol Ami, UJF of Utah