
18 2015

Girls Brunch Out

10:30AM - 12:30PM  

Contact Drora Oren

Please join us to a special Sunday Brunch at the home of Diane Warsoff. 801-583-5655.

Topic: Let My Torah Go: Women of the Wall and the Struggle to Liberate the Kotel

​Speaker: Lesley Sacks, Executive Director of Women of the Wall

cost: Free

RSVP: doren@shalomutah.org

Women of the Wall is a multi-denominational feminist organization based in Israel whose goal is to secure the rights of women to pray at the Western Wall (The Kotel) in a fashion that includes singing, reading aloud from the Torah and wearing religious garments (tallit, tefillin, kippah).

Lesley Sachs was one of the founding members of “Isha L’isha – Haifa’s Feminist Center” and worked for 10 years in the Israel Women’s Network. Lesley served as Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), as Vice President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and as director of Project Kesher Israel. She is the recipient of the NCJW Jewel Bellush Outstanding Israeli Feminist Award for 2014. 

We are so excited to have the special opportunity to hear Lesley speak in person in Utah. We hope you can join us!