We are so excited to be celebrating TWO YEARS of Girls’ Night Out! Thank you all for your continued support, donations of yummy food and wine at our monthly events, as well as our great presenters and hosts over the past two years. Without YOU, we would not be still going strong!
Please join for our Third ANNUAL Wine Tasting with John Davis and the United Jewish Federation of Utah “Girls’ Night Out” on Tuesday, June 28, 2015.
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Home of Joy Fisher
NOTE: To keep these events self-funding, we are charging $18 to cover the cost of the wine for the evening (so there is NO NEED to bring wine this month!). Also, to ensure sufficient wine, we will need to cap this event at 30 people.
Click here to pay $18 on line:
Food: Please bring an appetizer or dessert to go with the wine for this evening. In the spirit of being inclusive of all of our participants, including those who keep kosher and/or who do not eat meat, all Girls' Night events are vegetarian. As a pot luck event, we ask you to respect this request when planning what to bring. If you have any questions, please contact Diane at diane.warsoff@gmail.com
Guest Presenter: John Davis
Topic: Wine Tasting - Great wines that won’t break the bank!
Bio: John Davis is the founder of Geja’s Café in Chicago and owner of Wine Insiders, a wine brokerage which ships wine to customers throughout the United States (except for Utah, of course!)
RSVP: Drora Oren doren@shalomutah.org 801-581-0102
Please RSVP by NOON on Thursday, June 23, so that we have time to purchase the wine
We are happy to help arrange car pools from Park City.
Diane Warsoff, “Girls Night Out” Chair