
5 2017

Lunch and Learn April 2017

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

Contact Drora Oren

Please join us for Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 12:00pm-2:00pm, at the home of Susie Ortner, Park City.

Discussion Leader:   Michael Greenfield, Education Director, Temple Har Shalom

TOPIC: Honor thy Mother: Is that too much to ask?

RSVPdoren@shalomutah.org  or call Drora at 801-581-0102


Food:   Please RSVP and sign up for food:  We will need appetizer (2), salads (1), side dish (2), main dish Protein type (2), and dessert (1).

We would like to thank our 2016-2017 Sponsors, who are making this series possible: Susan Arsht, Amy Baker, Joanne Bloom, Beth Brandt, Linda Brownstein, Tamara Bush, Ruth Davidson, Joy Erickson, Liz Fellows, Joy Fisher, Nancy Freifeld, Donna Gordon, Susanna Green, Judy Horwitz, Sheri Jaffa, Pamela Kantrowitz, Debra Kasirer, Carol Kotler, Karen Lund, Judith Meshorer Linsey, Diane Siegel, Beano Solomon, Elana Spitzberg, Eve Stanger, Barbara Gural-Steinmetz, Ellen Stern, Polly Strasser.

Bio: Michael Greenfield, R.J.E., is the Director of Education at Temple Har Shalom where he oversees the Religious School, runs the B'nai Mitzvah Program, teaches Adult Education, and serves on the bima with Rabbi Levinsky. Michael has a Masters in Religious Education from Hebrew Union College as well as a Masters in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University. He's been part of the Har Shalom community for over a decade. His adult education classes offer bridges to span the divide between ancient texts and modern culture by pairing, for example, Talmud with stand-up comedy, Jewish liturgy with pop music, Kabbalah with superheroes, or Midrash with modern fiction.

To keep the momentum going while Jackie is away, we will continue the Lunch and Learn series at our usual time by having our wonderful religious leadership to guide us this year. Each month we will have a different educator who will speak about some aspects of the broad theme of Judaism and Women.

Please mark your calendar for our next meetings and let us know if you can host in the following dates:

Wednesday, May 3, 2017- host: Judy Horwitz

Wednesday, June 7, 2017- need you to host

Wednesday, July 12, 2017- host: Eve Stanger

Looking forward to see you,

Judy Horwitz (judyhorwitzparkcity@gmail.com), Carol Kotler (ckotler@icloud.com) co-chairs