
29 2017

NCJW UT Salute to Planned Parenthood "Happy Hour"


Rochelle Kaplan 8011 S. Dazzling View Circle
Cottonwood Hts, UT 84121
18012012177 ro@wifunds.com

Contact Rochelle Kaplan

In light of looming federal cutbacks to Planned Parenthood and to organizations that offer family planning internationally and mention abortion (the gov't plans to end all funding for both), NCJW UT, which supports a woman's right to choose and access to contraception- will host an informational, fun "Happy Hour" with tapas and drinks (alcoholic and not), at Rochelle Kaplan and Art Lipson's home, from 5:30-7:30 PM on Thurs. June 29.

Address: 8011 S. Dazzling View Circle, Cottonwood Hts, UT

RSVP to ro@wifunds.com

Sponsor: NCJW UT