
26 2018

Scripture in Dialogue: The Exodus in Text and Tradition

8:00PM - 9:30PM  

Mountain America Expo Center
The Mountain America Expo Center is the location for the Sunstone Symposium in 2018. 9575 State Street
Sandy, UT 84070
801-355-5926 info@sunstone.org

Contact Mark Thomas
This is the day time business phone for Mark Thomas at Clifton Consulting. If he is not immediately available, feel free to leave a message.

$ Cost $ 25.00

This is a speech at the Sunshine Theological Symposium by Marvin Sweeney, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Claremont School of Theology, and reformed Jewish scholar. According to Jon Levenson at Harvard, Sweeney is "one of the most learned biblical scholars of our time." This speech will explore the history of the Exodus texts and its traditions down to the present day Utah.

Sponsor: Sunstone Foundation