
15 2020

Shine On" Hanukkah Concert

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Contact Joy Fisher

Join us for a fun evening of music and Hanukkah songs that will uplift and inspire!
Abbie’s new album, ‘Shine on’ puts to music a world in which we feel hope and a desire to let our lights shine.
Abbie's Bio:
Abbie has over a decade of experience as a professional musician. She is classically trained in vocals, is a singer/songwriter, and has a background in piano, guitar, and saxophone. She has sung at Carnegie Hall as well as performed at NBA games!
She is the founder of The Institute of Jewish Rock and a familiar and
sought-after musician in the national Jewish music scene.
She currently serves as the Cantor of Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens, FL - and also served as Cantorial Soloist at Temple Israel in Memphis, TN. Her congregants are blessed to be uplifted by her voice, personality, and musical vision. Her singing is a beautiful combination of her musical talents and a glimpse into her soul,
which transforms the words she sings into inspiration.
Abbie earned her BS from Indiana University and has a Master of Education from SB University in St. Louis, Missouri. She has also studied at the Pardes Institute of Jewish studies in Jerusalem and is in the process of completing the last year for her cantorial ordination from the Cantors Assembly.

Sponsor: United Jewish Federation of Utah