Please join us for the United Jewish Federation of Utah “Girls’ Night Out” on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at 7:00 pm, at the home of Shelley Schwartz, 7961 Mountain Oaks Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84121, 801-942-6290
Food: heavy hors d'oevres and dessert will be served
Guest Presenter: Maeera Shriber
Topic: The Biblical Book of Ruth
Bio: Maeera is an Associate Professor in English, and is the director of Religious Studies and the Jewish Studies Initiative at the University of Utah. She obtained her bachelor’s at UC- Berkley, a Masters of Education at Tufts University, and Master of Arts and PhD at Brandeis University. She has published several articles about modernist Jewish writings as well as the relation between Modernism, Feminism and Jewishness. She is particularly interested in the study of the Book of Ruth and looks forward to sharing with us again this month.
Please RSVP and join us for a free and interesting evening. We are happy to help arrange car pools from Park City.
Friends are welcome!
RSVP: Drora 801-581-0102
Happy Shavuot,
Diane Warsoff, Chair “girls’ Night Out”
United Jewish Federation of Utah