
5 2015

United Jewish Federation of Utah Girls Night Out

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Drora Oren

Please join us to another enjoyable evening with friends and a speaker.
Date: Thursday – February 5, 2015
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: Home of Bonnie Rokeach
Food: Light food, wine and dessert will be served
Cost: free
Guest Presenter: Annabel Sheinberg
Bio: Annabel Sheinberg is the Education Director for Planned Parenthood Association of Utah. She has held this position since 2007. During that time has tripled the size of the department and deepened the impact of the work. Sheinberg is the Chair Elect of the Association of Planned Parenthood Leaders in Education board, and the Vice Chair of the Governing Board for Salt Lake Arts Academy Charter School. She holds a BA from Williams College with a concentration in Women's Studies and an MM with an emphasis in Child, Youth and Family Policy from The Heller Graduate School at Brandeis University. She lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband and three teenage children.

RSVP: Drora at doren@shalomutah.org